24 July 2024

Navigating Cyber Security Compliance and Regulatory Challenges with IAM

Increasingly, modern organisations find themselves facing a plethora of cyber security compliance and regulatory requirements. These are aimed at safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring the privacy of both their own and their customers’ data. Frameworks such as GDPR, NIST, DORA, and NIS-2, along with other industry-specific standards, mandate stringent measures for data protection. Failing to comply with these can have severe repercussions. Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions are crucial for helping organisations navigate these challenges effectively, and ensuring their defences are compliant and secure.

The Importance of Compliance 

Compliance with regulations like GDPR, DORA, NIST, and NIS-2 is not just a legal obligation but a strategic necessity. These regulations establish guidelines for data protection, cybersecurity, and privacy, aiming to protect individuals’ rights and ensure the integrity of digital ecosystems. Below is a round up of some of the biggest regulations and what they mean:

  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) – Enforces data protection and privacy for individuals within the European Union, mandating strict controls on data handling and reporting.
  • DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act) – This EU framework, which entered into force in 2023, is aimed at enhancing the resilience of the financial sector. It ensures organisations can withstand, respond to, and recover from all types of cyber incidents and threats. 
  • NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) – Offers a framework for improving critical infrastructure cybersecurity, essential for federal agencies and industries dealing with sensitive data.
  • NIS-2 (Network and Information Systems Directive) – Enhances cybersecurity across the EU, focusing on the resilience of essential services and critical infrastructure. This is the second version of the EU’s Network and Information Systems Directive, and by the 18th of October this year, the regulation has to be put into national law.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Some of the regulations mentioned above are location specific. However, even if an organisation isn’t located in the EU, that doesn’t mean they can ignore GDPR or other regulations. The repercussions of cyber security compliance failures can be severe, including hefty fines. For example, businesses can be fined up to €20 million or 4% of their annual global turnover for GDPR violations, for example. In addition to financial penalties, organisations may face lawsuits, loss of customer trust, and long-term reputational damage.

One of the biggest GDPR fines was last year, when the Irish Data Protection Commission imposed a historic €1.2 billion fine (£1 billion) on Meta for transferring European users’ data to the US without adequate protection. Implementing a robust IAM solution could have mitigated this risk. It would have ensured only authorised personnel had access to users’ data, thereby preventing the breach. Meta’s not alone. Other companies, including Amazon, Google, and TikTok, have also been handed GDPR fines over the past few years.

How IAM Facilitates Compliance

IAM solutions play a key role in helping companies to meet regulatory requirements. Firstly,  providing staff with even greater control over who has access to information and systems. This way, businesses can enforce strict access controls, and ensure only authorised personnel can access sensitive data. This means they’re aligned with GDPR requirements for data protection and privacy. By centralising the management of user identities, roles, and permissions, IAM simplifies compliance with NIST and NIS-2 guidelines. Organisations can enforce the principle of least privilege, giving users the minimum necessary access to perform their duties.

Compliance frameworks often require detailed logging and reporting of access activities. IAM solutions offer robust audit trails and reporting capabilities. This way, businesses can demonstrate compliance during audits, and respond promptly to security incidents. IAM solutions also monitor access patterns and identify anomalies that may signal insider threats or attacks. A proactive approach like this is crucial for cyber security compliance.

Best Practices for IAM and Compliance

To ensure that IAM is used as effectively as possible for compliance purposes, organisations should adopt best practices that align with regulatory standards. Implementing strong authentication, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA), is crucial for verifying user identities. By reducing the risk of unauthorised access, you’re enhancing overall security and ensuring cyber security compliance. Enforcing the principle of least privilege and regularly reviewing and adjusting permissions helps to prevent privilege creep.

By automating the granting and revoking of access, firms can ensure the accurate management of user permissions. This is particularly useful during employee onboarding or offboarding. Training employees on cyber security compliance requirements and the importance of adhering to security policies and best practices further strengthens an organisation’s IAM strategy.

Here at Infosec K2K, we understand the complexities of cyber security compliance and the critical role IAM plays. Our solutions help you meet various compliance and regulatory requirements efficiently and effectively. Not only do we offer tailored IAM solutions, but we also provide expert consultation services, and deliver continuous support and monitoring. What’s more, our penetration testing services will ensure there are no gaps in your defences.

Navigating the complexities of compliance and regulatory requirements can be daunting for any organisation. With the right IAM solutions from Infosec K2K, you can achieve compliance and safeguard your data at the same time.

Whatever solution you’re looking for, we can help. The experts at Infosec K2K can offer you specialist guidance, and help you find the product that’s the best fit for you.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you.

10 July 2024

The Impact of AI in Identity and Access Management

For today’s businesses, identity and access management (IAM) is increasingly important, protecting their network and their data from unauthorised users. Over the past few years, IAM has evolved, and one of the biggest changes has been powered by advancements in AI. Although AI might seem like a buzzword at the moment, it’s already had a transformative impact – both on IAM and on cybersecurity in general – and it’s certainly here to stay. In fact, AI in IAM is set to reshape identity management, protecting businesses from evolving cyber threats.

Integrating AI in IAM


Essentially, IAM is the framework of policies and technologies that are used to ensure that the right individuals have access to the right resources at the right times and for the right reasons – and that anyone else can’t access these resources at all. In the past, IAM systems have been known to face challenges such as complexity in managing user identities across diverse environments and locations, the need for robust authentication methods – and, of course, the constant battle against evolving cyber threats.

In recent years, AI has emerged as a game-changer when it comes to addressing these challenges. By leveraging machine learning algorithms and predictive analytics, AI-driven IAM solutions can offer businesses enhanced capabilities in everything from risk assessment and anomaly detection to adaptive authentication and much more. These capabilities allow organisations to strengthen their security posture while streamlining access management processes at the same time.

Benefits of AI in IAM

As mentioned above, integrating AI into existing IAM solutions offers numerous benefits. For a start, AI can be used to automate routine tasks and decision-making processes. This way, it enhances accuracy and efficiency by reducing human error. It also helps to save money and time, freeing up cyber security professionals to work on tasks that can’t just be automated.

By analysing vast data sets in real time, AI also improves threat detection. This enables earlier identification of any suspicious activities and potential breaches. AI-driven IAM solutions are more scalable and adaptable, allowing organisations to seamlessly grow and adjust – whether that’s to cope with evolving threats or new regulatory requirements such as NIS-2. Together, these advantages serve to strengthen any organisation’s cyber defences, making AI invaluable in IAM systems.

Adaptive authentication is yet another area where AI in IAM can help significantly. By dynamically adjusting authentication requirements in real time, based on risk assessments or even factors such as a user’s location or the typeof device they’re using, AI algorithms can maintain a high level of security without having to inconvenience authorised users.

AI-Driven Features in IAM Solutions

Our partner, CyberArk, is one of the most prominent players in the IAM space, and has used AI in IAM to bolster their security measures. Daniel Schwartzer, CyberArk’s Chief Product Technologist, has explained, “We strive to seamlessly integrate AI into the core areas of IAM, enhancing security and productivity.” With AI-powered tools, CyberArk can provide predictive insights into users’ behaviour, which makes it easier than ever to deal with threats before they can do any damage.

Predictive analytics allow security professionals to identify unusual patterns of behaviour that could indicate a breach, prompting immediate action. This proactive approach allows businesses to respond faster to emerging threats. Earlier this year, CyberArk launched CORA AI, a tool that offers advanced threat detection capabilities. As well as detecting anomalies and automating tasks, it also provides real-time assistance, answering questions and offering guidance.

AI Considerations

Despite the promise AI holds, it presents several challenges for today’s organisations, especially when it comes to IAM. Bias and fairness are significant concerns. AI algorithms need to be designed to prevent bias, in order to ensure fair authentication processes. Integration can be another hurdle, as embedding AI-powered IAM solutions into existing IT infrastructures can be both complicated and costly.

Here at Infosec K2K, however, we specialise in seamlessly integrating our IAM solutions with your existing infrastructure. The AI skills gap can also pose a substantial challenge. In order to use these tools effectively, security teams need expertise in data analytics, AI model training, and threat intelligence. Addressing these challenges is crucial if you want to harness the full potential of AI in IAM.

Future Trends and Predictions

Looking ahead, the future of AI in IAM is poised for continued innovation. As machine learning techniques advance, IAM solutions will become even better at predicting and mitigating security risks in real-time. Meanwhile, the advent of technologies like quantum computing may soon render current encryption methods obsolete. When and if this happens, AI-powered IAM solutions will be needed to secure data in a post-quantum world. Advances like these are poised to revolutionise IAM, improving security and adaptability in the face of evolving technologies.

AI is reshaping cyber security, improving traditional measures by offering intelligent, data-driven capabilities. If organisations embrace this technology, they can be more protected and more efficient. However, realising the full potential of AI in IAM requires businesses to address several challenges. By staying informed about current AI trends and future projections, cyber professionals can safeguard their organisations from the latest threats.

Whatever solution you’re looking for, we can help. The experts at Infosec K2K can offer you specialist guidance, and help you find the product that’s the best fit for you.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you.

26 June 2024

The Importance of Domain Intelligence

Staying ahead of potential threats is one of the most important parts of cyber security, helping organisations to ensure they’re always one step ahead of malicious actors and their latest tools. However, it’s important that businesses aren’t just reacting to threats – today’s businesses require proactive strategies that rely on comprehensive intelligence. One crucial aspect of cyber security is domain intelligence. This is a cornerstone in protecting business from evolving threats, and Infosec K2K, along with our partner DomainTools, play a pivotal role in fortifying cyber defences.

Understanding Domain Intelligence

Domain intelligence is a pivotal part of modern cyber security strategies, although not the most well-known. Put simply, it involves the collection, analysis, and application of data related to domain names – and their underlying infrastructure. This comprehensive approach includes gathering domain ownership details, such as who registered a domain, their contact information, and any relevant historical records. It also involves examining Domain Name System (DNS) data to uncover potential infrastructure vulnerabilities and studying the historical context of a domain’s activities and changes, as this can signal malicious intent. Identifying all of the IP addresses associated with a domain is crucial in order to map out potential attack vectors.

This extensive information is invaluable for cyber security professionals, as it allows them to understand the broader context of online threats. By turning to domain intelligence, they can identify malicious domains, preemptively block any potential threats, and enhance the overall cyber strategy of their organisation. This proactive approach not only helps to thwart immediate threats, but also strengthens an organisation’s defences against future attacks. These days, with cyber threats on the rise, domain intelligence is an important critical tool for businesses looking to protect their digital assets and maintain robust cyber defences.

Real-World Applications

As you might expect, domain intelligence is important for all kinds of industries, offering businesses critical protection. Cyber criminals are increasingly looking to steal customer data. Recent research by IBM showed that 32% of cyber incidents resulted in data theft – followed by that data being leaked. This is where domain intelligence comes in.

For instance, financial institutions can prevent phishing attacks by identifying and blocking fraudulent domains that are attempting to mimic legitimate banking websites. Healthcare providers are able to protect patient data by monitoring and threats targeting healthcare-specific domains and infrastructure. Retailers, meanwhile, can protect e-commerce platforms from domain-based attacks looking to compromise customer information and transactional data.

By incorporating domain intelligence into their cyber security frameworks, businesses can reduce the risk of financial losses, preserve their reputations, and maintain the trust of their customers at the same time. With the help of domain intelligence tools, organisations can proactively tackle potential threats before they become threats, and build up their defences against cyber criminals and their evolving tactics.

The Role of DomainTools

When it comes to domain intelligence, our cyber partner DomainTools stands out as an industry leader. Founded in 2001, DomainTools specialises in aggregating and analysing domain-related data. They offer our clients a comprehensive suite of tools and services, which have been designed to empower cyber security teams worldwide.

DomainTools provides intelligence on 97% of the internet. This helps security professionals to detect and respond to threats effectively, by offering domain risk assessments. These provide risk scores based on factors such as age, history, and associated IPs, and can be used to gauge potential threat levels. Additionally, it offers Whois lookup for accessing extensive domain registration details, helping to identify domain owners and their contact information. The platform also includes IP geolocation, which maps IP addresses to physical locations, allowing for the detection of any suspicious or unauthorised activities, and helping to track down cyber criminals.

How Domain Intelligence Enhances Cyber Security

Here at Infosec K2K, we have partnered with DomainTools to deliver enhanced domain intelligence services to our clients. By integrating DomainTools’ capabilities into their own cyber security solutions, we help our customers by offering them advanced threat detection. Using DomainTools’ extensive database and analytical tools, we can detect and assess any potential threats posed by suspicious domains and IP addresses. What’s more, DomainTools conducts thorough investigations into domain ownership and historical activities to uncover patterns that can indicate malicious intent, enhancing their investigative capabilities.

Infosec K2K’s commitment to cutting-edge technology and strategic partnerships ensures that our clients receive the highest standard of protection possible when it comes to cyber threats. By harnessing the power of DomainTools’ domain intelligence, we help businesses block malicious domains and IP addresses before they can cause any harm, and by doing so we reduce cyber security risks. This allows organisations to strengthen their cyber defences and protect their digital assets – and those of their own customers – from ever-evolving online threats.

Domain intelligence plays a pivotal role in modern cyber strategies, offering businesses insights into domain infrastructures and potential threats. Alongside DomainTools, Infosec K2K protects organisations’ data proactively, and bolsters their defences. As cyber threats evolve, investing in domain intelligence is becoming increasingly important for businesses looking to thrive in the digital age.

Whatever solution you’re looking for, we can help. The experts at Infosec K2K can offer you specialist guidance, and help you find the product that’s the best fit for you.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you.

12 June 2024

How To Beat The Heat: Keeping Your Business Safe Over The Summer

Summer is a time for relaxing, going on holiday, and enjoying the warm weather. However, just because your employees might be heading to the beach or planning their weekend getaway, that doesn’t mean cyber criminals will be taking any time off. In fact, as temperatures rise, so too do cyber risks. At Infosec K2K, we understand the importance of maintaining robust cyber security practices all year round. To ensure you and your business stay secure, we’ve rounded up some summer cyber security advice. These can help your employees enjoy their time off without compromising your security.

The Summer Cyber Security Landscape

The number of cyber attacks often rises over the summer, as a combination of factors can leave organisations particularly vulnerable. In 2019, research by Beaming found that the number of cyber attacks faced by its customers had shot up by 243% over the summer. Many employees will take time off during these months, which means there are less people available to monitor for and respond to cyber threats.

What’s more, with people sharing their travel details on social media, cyber criminals may be able to gather valuable information that they can then use in social engineering attacks. Phishing emails can become more prevalent and more legitimate. While travelling, people are also more likely to use unsecured public WiFi networks, which criminals can exploit to spread malware or execute man-in-the-middle attacks. These factors can create a perfect storm for increased threats, requiring heightened awareness of summer cyber security threats.

Implementing Robust IAM Strategies

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is the cornerstone of any secure business environment. Since IAM ensures only authorised individuals can access your business’ critical systems and data, it reduces the risk of cyber attacks. For organisations of all sizes, implementing robust IAM strategies is essential when it comes to maintaining security. This is true all year round, but especially over the summer.

Adopting best practices such as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), for example, can offer businesses protection. MFA requires users to verify their identity through multiple factors, such as a password, a smartphone, or a fingerprint. This adds extra layers of security that can stop cyber criminals – even if they have access to an employee’s password.

Maintaining up-to-date systems and software is another critical aspect of a strong IAM strategy. Criminals can exploit vulnerabilities in outdated software, making regular updates and patches essential. Also, implementing the principle of least privilege can prevent accidental or intentional data misuse. Regular reviews and adjustments of access controls, particularly if employees have changed roles or left the company, are crucial for maintaining security, and our IAM assessments can help you to keep on top of this.

The continuous monitoring of your network is also vital for detecting and responding to any suspicious activity swiftly. Automated tools can help with this, and ensure alerts are dealt with promptly. Finally, it’s important to remember that employees are your first line of defence against cyber threats. Regular training can educate them on the latest phishing scams to watch out for, as well as the importance of following security protocols. By fostering a culture of cyber awareness, every employee will feel responsible for the firm’s security.

Considerations for the Summer

This time of year can present a number of unique summer cyber security challenges, and additional measures may be necessary to protect your network. Planning for employee absences is important. Your IAM strategy should account for staff being on holiday, and ensure backup personnel are available for critical tasks. This way you can make sure access to essential systems isn’t compromised whenever key members of staff are on holiday.

Secure remote access is also crucial, as employees may need to work from different locations during the summer. With the help of our partners at CyberArk, we also offer Remote Privileged Access Management (RPAM) services to help staff access the resources they need. You can implement VPNs, and protect remote access with MFA. You should also ensure that any devices used for remote work comply with your security policies.

Having an emergency response plan is also essential for dealing with potential security breaches. This plan should outline the specific steps to take during an incident, as well as key contacts, and communication protocols. Ensure all employees are aware of the plan and their roles in the event of a cyber incident. Conduct regular drills to test both your IAM systems and your response plans. These can identify any weaknesses and prepare your team for a real cyber attack. With our penetration testing and our breach and attacking simulation modelling services, we can help to evaluate the effectiveness of your security. Use the summer as an opportunity to run these tests, especially as your workforce may be more dispersed.

As your employees head off to enjoy the summer, it’s important to remember cyber security’s a continuous effort. Cyber criminals don’t take vacations, and neither should your cyber defences. By implementing robust IAM strategies and following best practices, you can protect your business from increased cyber risks over the summer. At Infosec K2K, we’re dedicated to helping you maintain a secure business environment year-round. This way, you can ensure your operations continue smoothly, even when the sun is shining.

Whatever solution you’re looking for, we can help. The experts at Infosec K2K can offer you specialist guidance, and help you find the product that’s the best fit for you.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you.

29 May 2024

From Bytes to Insights: Essential Advice From Our Podcast

One of the most overlooked areas of cyber security is Operational Technology (OT) security. Over the past few weeks, we’ve been discussing this subject in our podcast, ‘The Keys 2 Your Digital Kingdom’ with the help of Cyolo’s OT Strategist, Kevin Kumpf. He brings with him a wealth of knowledge on securing OT environments, and in this blog we’ll be looking into key takeaways from our discussions.

The Importance of Securing OT Environments

OT security involves protecting the hardware and software systems that monitor and control physical devices, processes, and events in real-world operations. Unlike IT (or Information Technology), which manages data and information, OT influences physical processes such as manufacturing, energy distribution, and transportation.

OT environments keep essential services and infrastructure functioning, managing everything from power grids and water treatment plants to transportation networks. Any OT security breach could result in severe disruptions, affecting public safety and national security. As Kumpf explained in a recent episode, “These systems, when they go down, can cause catastrophic things. The power grid, for example… There is no back up…. People can die… It’s just a very dangerous area where you do not want downtime.”

The importance of OT security is underscored by the need to ensure business continuity. Any disruptions could halt production and disrupt supply chains around the world, resulting in significant financial losses. Kumpf points out, “IT is coming into the OT world,” and with IT and OT systems becoming integrated, the number of vulnerabilities has grown. One of the biggest shifts in the OT world is that more parties are involved in maintaining systems, locally and remotely. An approach bridging IT and OT is crucial for security strategies, ensuring operational efficiency and resilience against attacks.

Securing Industrial Assets

The second episode of our OT security miniseries focused on industrial settings, where cybersecurity and machine safety is vital. Industrial environments, such as factories and power plants, rely on OT systems to manage and control machinery and other processes. This makes them susceptible to cyber threats, which can threaten the safe operation of machinery and impact physical operations.

As cyber threats become more sophisticated, the repercussions of a cyber attack grow. An incident in an industrial environment could result in machinery malfunctions, a halt in production – or catastrophic safety incidents. When it comes to protecting these environments, challenges include protecting legacy systems, implementing real-time security measures, and ensuring machinery can operate without disruptions.

To reduce these risks, organisations must adopt cyber security strategies that encompass IT and OT. This includes thorough risk assessments and enhancing monitoring and detection capabilities to respond to threats in real-time. This way, organisations can protect their machinery and maintain a safe and secure production environment at the same time.

OT In Action

Industrial environments aren’t the only areas in which OT security is critical. The travel, logistics, and supply chain management sectors also face a range of security vulnerabilities. In these sectors, an OT security incident could lead to widespread disruption and significant economic impact. In the travel industry for example, OT systems manage everything from flight operations to baggage handling. A cyber attack could cause delays, cancellations, and even compromise passenger safety.

As for logistics and supply chain management, OT systems oversee the movement of goods around the globe. As Kumpf noted, “We’re not housing warehouses of inventory any more – everything is just in time, built at the moment, shipped at the moment.” Disruptions can lead to delays, increased costs, and shortages – and in the past few years, supply chain cyber attacks have increased. Between 2022 and 2023, the average number of supply chain data breaches increased by 26%, according to BlueVoyant. Securing OT in logistics is crucial to maintain the flow of goods and services that global economies depend on.

The Challenges of OT Security

OT security presents a range of challenges. Much of this is due to the widespread use of legacy systems lacking modern security features. One of the biggest challenges is the amount of users with third-party access. As noted by our partner Cyolo, the average organisation allows 77 third-party vendors to access their OT environments, while 25% of businesses give access to over 100. Also, as many OT environments have little tolerance for delays, there are limited opportunities for maintenance or patching.

The proliferation of alternative energy sources has transformed the sector. The latest episode of our podcast deals with this topic. As Infosec K2K’s Stephan Zimmerman explained, “One of the biggest changes we’ve seen in the last 10 or so years… is the change from the very centralised production of energy to the more distributed production of energy. It is much harder to protect the entire grid and all the entities within that are now supplying into the grid, such as batteries and solar panels.”

Each of these is a new entry point for cyber criminals, but it’s not just cyber criminals threatening OT security – in the first half of 2023, the US Department of Energy identified 95 human-caused incidents targeting the electricity sector. The sector’s facing threats more sophisticated than ever, and organisations need to step up their OT security.

Securing OT environments is complex but essential in our increasingly interconnected world. The insights shared in our podcast highlight the importance of OT security, as well as its challenges. For more in-depth discussions and expert cyber advice, tune in to our podcast. With new episodes coming soon, we’ll help you stay informed and stay secure.

Whatever solution you’re looking for, we can help. The experts at Infosec K2K can offer you specialist guidance, and help you find the product that’s the best fit for you.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you.

15 May 2024

The End of Passwords: How Passwordless Authentication is Reshaping Security

Despite how much the world of cyber security has evolved over the past few decades, one thing has remained constant – the password. However, as cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated, this once-reliable method of authentication is falling under scrutiny. Passwords are set to be replaced by passwordless authentication, which is both more secure and user-friendly. Here at Infosec K2K, we’re at the forefront of this shift, and understand not just the reasons behind it but also its profound implications for Identity and Access Management (IAM).

The Predicament of Passwords

Passwords have long been a cornerstone of online security. Whether they’re accessing their email accounts, social media accounts, or banking websites, users rely on passwords to safeguard their most sensitive information. However, the weaknesses of passwords have become increasingly apparent in recent years. In 2019, for example, research by the UK’s NCSC revealed that 23.2 million victims of data breaches around the world had used ‘123456’ as a password.

One of the primary concerns surrounding passwords is the human factor. Studies have shown that people tend to choose weak passwords, reuse them across multiple accounts, and share them with others. According to Google’s Online Security Survey, 65% of people surveyed reused the same password for multiple accounts. What’s more, criminals can compromise passwords with techniques like phishing, brute force attacks, and social engineering.

The Rise of Passwordless Authentication

Recognising the limitations of passwords, industry leaders including some of the world’s biggest tech firms are leading the transition towards passwordless authentication. Last year, Apple, Google and Microsoft announced they were committing to passwordless authentication. Apple has already introduced passkeys, which can be used instead of passwords. Instead of relying on traditional passwords, passwordless authentication relies on alternative factors to verify users’ identities, and there are several methods.

• Token-Based Systems : One popular approach to passwordless authentication is token-based systems. These generate a unique one-time code that users need to enter in order to access their accounts. Users receive these tokens via text message, email, or from hardware devices. By eliminating the need for static passwords, token-based systems can reduce the risk of credential theft and unauthorised access.

• Biometric Authentication : Biometric authentication is another key component of the passwordless movement. Technologies such as fingerprint recognition, facial recognition, and even iris scanning enable users to authenticate themselves using their own unique physical traits. Biometric authentication not only enhances security, by linking a user’s online identity to their physical traits, but it also offers a more intuitive user experience, and companies like Mastercard plan to replace passwords with biometrics.

• Behavioural Analytics : A step up from biometrics, this relies on a user’s unique characteristics. Rather than relying on physical features, behavioural analytics measures traits like users’ typing speed, how they’re moving their mouse, or the kind of device they’re using. By establishing a baseline of normal behaviour, behavioural analytics can detect anomalies or possible threats in real time, and also offers continuous authentication of a user, even after they’ve logged in.

The Implications for IAM

This shift towards passwordless authentication has many implications for modern businesses’ IAM strategies. Traditional IAM solutions have revolved around managing and securing passwords. However, in an increasingly passwordless world, IAM strategies will need to adapt and accommodate alternative authentication methods – while at the same time ensuring robust security and offering a seamless user experience.

The biggest benefit of passwordless authentication is that it improves security, as it reduces the risk of password-related vulnerabilities like phishing attacks. With the help of tools like biometrics or multi-factor authentication (MFA), organisations can establish stronger authentication mechanisms that are resistant to traditional password-based threats. IAM solutions can use these solutions to more easily verify users’ identities and reduce the chance of unauthorised access.

Passwordless authentication also helps to improve the user experience. By eliminating the need to remember lengthy passwords and frequently change them, passwordless authentication simplifies the login process. This, in turn, improves productivity and user satisfaction. Ultimately, passwordless authentication can lead the way to more efficient and resilient IAM frameworks.

Challenges and Considerations

Although there are many benefits to passwordless authentication, it also brings a number of challenges that firms need to address. Firstly, implementing passwordless authentication requires integration with existing systems. Organisations will have to ensure that their IAM solutions support passwordless authentication methods before they start using it. Here at Infosec K2K, we offer a wide range of IAM Implementation and Support services. From developing IAM strategies and roadmaps to integrating a solution with your system, we’ll ensure a smooth transition.

Solutions like biometric authentication also come with privacy concerns surrounding the collection and storage of sensitive biometric data. Any business that uses biometrics will need to ensure they have robust privacy measures to safeguard users’ or customers’ biometric information, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements like GDPR.

Despite the benefits of passwordless authentication, some users may be hesitant to embrace new authentication methods. Businesses may have to invest in user education and awareness initiatives to promote passwordless authentication before they move away from passwords entirely.

The end of passwords isn’t just a theoretical concept, but is already shaping the future of cyber security. Passwordless authentication offers a strong alternative to traditional passwords, boosting cyber defences while at the same time ensuring a more seamless user experience. At Infosec K2K, we’re committed to helping organisations of all sizes navigate this transition away from passwords, and help them make their digital assets more secure than ever before.

Whatever solution you’re looking for, we can help. The experts at Infosec K2K can offer you specialist guidance, and help you find the product that’s the best fit for you.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you.

24 April 2024

How IAM Is Fortifying Remote Access Security

Much has been written over the past couple of years about how global events have revolutionised the way businesses operate and accelerated the shift to remote working. It’s now accepted practice in organisations around the world, and is five times more common than it was just five years ago. While remote working offers many benefits, it’s introduced a number of cyber security challenges. With teams spread across different locations (and in some cases, different countries), the need for a secure way of accessing data and resources is more important than ever. This is where IAM (Identity and Access Management) comes into play, ensuring that remote access security doesn’t mean compromising your organisation’s cyber defences.

The Importance of IAM

As mentioned above, IAM is pivotal when it comes to managing and controlling access to any organisation’s resources. This is especially true in a remote work setting, as traditional cyber security strategies are no longer enough. With employees needing to access resources from the office, from home, and other locations – using work devices and personal devices – it can be challenging to ensure only authorised users are accessing sensitive data.

IAM solutions, however, offer a centralised platform for businesses to manage user identities, enforce access policies, and monitor user activity. This way, organisations are able to enforce least privilege access, ensuring that users can only access the resources they need, and reducing the risk of data breaches. Multi-factor authentication can be used to add an extra layer of security, requiring users to verify their identity through multiple methods, like a password or a one-time code sent to their mobile device. IAM also allows businesses to monitor user activity, and respond to any suspicious behaviour quickly and securely. Many of today’s businesses are also turning to Remote Privileged Access Management (RPAM). This form of IAM has been designed to solve the challenges of remote access security by managing and monitoring privileged user accounts with access to critical systems and data.

What is RPAM?

RPAM has been designed to address the challenges of securing remote access for users who require access to sensitive data and critical systems. Unlike traditional Privileged Access Management (PAM) or remote access solutions like Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA), RPAM offers administrators even more oversight and control over who’s accessing their network. With the help of an RPAM solution, like those offered by our cyber partner Cyolo, access is granted to verified identities following the principle of least privilege. This stops users – even authenticated ones – from being able to carry out actions that might be seen as suspicious or risky. This effectively reduces an organisation’s attack surface, and the chance of a data breach or cyber attack.

RPAM offers robust access and authentication features to manage remote privileged user identities. As pointed out by Cyolo in one of their recent blogs, RPAM also offers recording and auditing capabilities, which are essential to comply with regional and industry-specific mandates. It’s useful for organisations working in both the IT and OT environments, as these can be challenging to secure with more traditional cyber security solutions. More and more businesses are turning to RPAM, and a recent Gartner report predicted that “by 2026, organisations applying least privilege principle approaches to remote privileged access management (RPAM) use cases will reduce their risk exposure by more than 50%.”  

Leading the Way in RPAM Solutions

At Infosec K2K, we understand the challenges of remote access security, as well as the critical need for robust IAM and RPAM solutions. That’s why we’ve partnered with leading cyber security companies – like Cyolo – to offer our clients RPAM solutions that can be tailored to the needs of their own remote work environments. With the help of our IAM solutions, our clients enjoy a more centralised control over user identities. As well as streamlining who can access your organisation’s resources, IAM also reduces the risk of data breaches in your network. 

Cyolo’s RPAM solutions, meanwhile, have been created to improve remote access security with a privileged account filter. They have also been specifically tailored for OT environments. This way, they can ensure remote privileged access no matter what device is being used. With an RPAM solution, hybrid organisations can efficiently manage privileged account access without worrying about compromising productivity. RPAM extends secure remote access to all users and devices, whether at the office or at home, for all parts of your organisation. 

The rise of remote work has fundamentally changed the cyber security landscape, requiring organisations of all sizes to rethink their approach to how they protect their resources. IAM and RPAM solutions play a crucial role in remote access security, enforcing access policies, protecting sensitive data, and reducing the risks associated with remote work. Here at Infosec K2K, we’re committed to helping our clients navigate these challenges with comprehensive solutions designed to meet the unique needs of your remote workforce.

Whatever solution you’re looking for, we can help. The experts at Infosec K2K can offer you specialist guidance, and help you find the product that’s the best fit for you.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you.

10 April 2024

Guarding Your Data: The Dangers of Third-Party Breaches

One of the most insidious cyber threats that today’s businesses can face is a third-party breach. Not only do these breaches result in financial losses and reputational damage, but they serve as a reminder of the vulnerabilities of our digital ecosystem. This week we’re exploring the dangers of third-party breaches, the impact they can have on your business, and how Identity and Access Management (IAM) can help to reduce the risk of them happening.

Understanding Third-Party Breaches

Our world has become increasingly interconnected in recent years. For many organisations, third-party suppliers and vendors are critical to their business. Unfortunately, that can open them up to cyber risks. Research from Verizon found that 62% of system intrusions originated from a third party.

A third-party breach occurs when cyber criminals are able to infiltrate an organisation’s network through vulnerabilities in their partners’ systems. These breaches can take various forms, ranging from malware attacks and phishing scams to insider threats. SecurityScorecard recently found that 98% of companies are associated with a third party that had previously suffered a breach. 

Third-Party Breaches in the News

A cyber incident that hit headlines last year was the ransomware attack on the British Library. This attack, which took place in October, impacted the organisation’s digital services and compromised user and staff data. It was attributed to the Rhysida ransomware group, and this year it was revealed it was caused by a third-party breach. Cyber criminals were able to use compromised third-party credentials to gain unauthorised access to the Library’s network.

They got in via a Terminal Services server, which has been installed in 2020 for remote access during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite warnings about the risks of increased third-party access, security measures like MFA weren’t fully implemented. This made it easier for the attackers to infiltrate the system and steal 600GB of data. The attack also destroyed servers, hindering recovery efforts. The British Library is currently rebuilding its infrastructure and implementing enhanced security measures.

The Repercussions of Breaches

One of the most obvious impacts of third-party breaches is the exposure of sensitive data. This can include customer information, intellectual property, or even businesses’ proprietary data. Once this data is in the hands of malicious actors, it can be sold on the dark web, exploited for financial gain, or used in targeted attacks against the affected business, its stakeholders, or its customers.

The aftermath of a third-party breach often has substantial financial ramifications. The costs associated with such a breach can include forensic investigations, regulatory fines, and legal fees if there are lawsuits from affected parties. The loss of customer trust can also result in decreased revenue in the long term.

The most profound (and long-lasting) impact of a third-party breach is damage to the organisation’s reputation. News of a breach can spread fast, amplified by social media and news outlets. This can cast doubt on the organisation’s ability to safeguard sensitive information. This loss of credibility can ruin relationships with customers, and investors, making it challenging to regain trust and restore brand integrity. According to EasyDMARC, 60% of companies affected by a third-party breach are likely to close because of reputational damage.

The Role of IAM 

Given the stakes of third-party breaches, organisations should adopt a more proactive approach. When it comes to safeguarding assets, Identity and Access Management (IAM) is crucial. Here at Infosec K2K, we offer a range of IAM solutions. With the help of our partners, we provide a robust framework for controlling access to your network.

IAM ensures users (including third-party suppliers) are only granted necessary permissions. This reduces the risk of privilege escalation and unauthorised access. Additionally, IAM solutions can include multi-factor authentication (MFA). This strengthens authentication and prevents credential-based attacks. This way, companies can reduce the chance of compromised credentials being used to breach their networks.

IAM platforms can also allow continuous monitoring and real-time auditing. This allows us to detect unusual activities in your network and act promptly. Not only does this ensure regulatory compliance, but it shows companies are performing due diligence when sharing data with third parties. IAM supports collaboration by establishing role-based access controls for your employees, your customers, and third-party vendors. This establishes trust and minimises your firm’s potential attack surface, enabling more effective collaboration.

Third-party breaches are a formidable threat to modern organisations, posing risks to financial stability and brand reputation. As demonstrated by the recent attack on the British Library, the repercussions of these breaches can be far-reaching. It’s clear IAM is a vital tool for any organisation’s cyber security. By embracing IAM, businesses can enhance visibility, control, and security across their network, protecting their data against the dangers of third-party breaches in an increasingly interconnected world.

Whatever solution you’re looking for, we can help. The experts at Infosec K2K can offer you specialist guidance, and help you find the product that’s the best fit for you.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you.

27 March 2024

How Penetration Testing Can Uncover Hidden Security Risks

Cyber threats are always evolving, and cyber criminals are constantly on the lookout for new tactics and tools. Safeguarding sensitive data and maintaining operational continuity is crucial for businesses of all sizes. Sometimes, though, the best way to combat the threat of hackers is to fight fire with fire. In other words, to try and hack your own defences. Cyber security assessments and penetration testing are two of the most indispensable tools for modern businesses, helping them to strengthen their security and find vulnerabilities before criminals can exploit them.

The Importance of Penetration Testing

The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre defines penetration testing as “A method for gaining assurance in the security of an IT system by attempting to breach some or all of that system’s security, using the same tools and techniques as an adversary might.” Penetration testing – and other cyber security assessments – are proactive measures designed to find and deal with any vulnerabilities in an organisation’ network. Unlike more conventional preventative measures, this method of testing puts cyber security experts in the shoes of a cyber attacker.

By simulating real-life cyber attacks, penetration testing gives businesses invaluable insights into the effectiveness of their existing cyber defences, and highlights any areas that require immediate attention. Not only does this approach help organisations to fortify their defences, but it also helps them to stay one step ahead of emerging threats and even compliance requirements.

The Dangers of Vulnerabilities

In recent years, a number of high-profile incidents have shown the importance of penetration testing. From data breaches to ransomware attacks, businesses of all sizes can fall victim to cyber attacks because of overlooked vulnerabilities. 

For example, one of the biggest cyber attacks in recent years was the WannaCry ransomware attack in 2017. It affected 230,000 computers in 150 countries around the world. In the UK, thousands of hospitals were affected – the attack was estimated to cost the NHS £92 million. The effects of this attack could have been prevented with penetration testing. Cyber criminals were able to exploit a vulnerability in outdated versions of Windows. Microsoft had released a patch for this vulnerability two months earlier.

More recently, the security firm Salt Security found a number of vulnerabilities in ChatGPT plugins. These vulnerabilities could be exploited by cyber criminals. This would allow them to steal data, and even take over accounts on third-party websites like GitHub or Google Drive. Although these have already been patched, a vulnerability like this could have affected millions of people – according to recent data from Open AI, ChatGPT has over 180 million monthly users.

Examples like these showcase the potential consequences of neglecting cyber security assessments, as well as the need for proactive measures, to identify and remediate vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

The Shift Towards Continuous Penetration Testing

Sometimes, however, penetration testing isn’t enough. In today’s cyber security landscape, periodic security assessments can no longer address the amount and scope of cyber threats. Many businesses are recognising the need for continuous monitoring and evaluation of their cyber defences, and embracing the concept of continuous testing.

This entails ongoing assessments and real-time analysis of security controls, enabling organisations to detect and respond to emerging threats swiftly. By integrating penetration testing into their cyber security strategy on a regular basis, businesses can stay vigilant against evolving threats and adapt their defences accordingly.

How Infosec K2K Can Help

Here at Infosec K2K, we specialise in Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions. These are complemented by comprehensive cyber security services. Our assessments include Risk Assessments, IAM Maturity Assessments, and a comprehensive IAM Health Check. As well as evaluating your defences, our experts will offer actionable recommendations. These services can be meticulously crafted to suit the unique needs of each client. With a team of security experts and an array of specialist partners including AT&T Cybersecurity and Picus Security we conduct exhaustive assessments of your security. This way, we can pinpoint any vulnerabilities in an organisation’s digital ecosystem.

Working with Infosec K2K offers businesses many advantages. Our team can identify security risks across diverse environments, or offer tailored solutions for your specific security requirements. We also provide continuous support, ensuring compliance with regulations and industry standards. With regular cyber security assessments, we can uncover risks and fortify businesses’ security posture over time. We help businesses defend themselves against new threats and address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

In an era defined by relentless cyber threats, the importance of proactive measures like assessments and penetration tests can’t be overstated. This way, businesses can safeguard their assets, maintain customer trust, and avoid the costly repercussions of data breaches and cyber attacks. At Infosec K2K, we’re committed to helping organisations navigate today’s complex threat landscape securely. By partnering with us and our network of partners, businesses can embrace a proactive approach to protecting their assets.

Whatever solution you’re looking for, we can help. The experts at Infosec K2K can offer you specialist guidance, and help you find the product that’s the best fit for you.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you.

6 March 2024

Marching Towards Better Security: The IAM Trends to Watch in 2024

With technology always evolving, and new threats emerging almost every day, it’s important to stay on top of the latest cyber security trends. The world of Identity and Access Management (IAM) is constantly adapting, and in this blog post we’re delving into some of the key IAM trends set to shape the sector this year, and explore how businesses can use these IAM trends to bolster their own cyber defences.

AI’s Growing Influence

The rise (and the increasing sophistication) of AI in recent years is already transforming cyber security strategies, and reshaping how many people think of IAM. Thanks to AI’s rapid evolution, businesses face escalating threats, from sophisticated phishing schemes to AI-generated content. Last year, many malicious actors used tools like ChatGPT to write BEC and phishing emails. In January, the NCSC warned ransomware attacks will increase because of AI.

However, it’s not all bad news. Integrating AI into your security strategies is a key IAM trend, helping businesses boost their cyber defences and stay ahead of evolving cyber threats. In fact, AI promises to become one of the major IAM trends over the coming years. By automating tasks like user provisioning and analysing users’ behaviour, AI enhances efficiency and precision while bolstering security, and AI’s predictive capabilities can also enable proactive defence measures, by helping cyber security teams to anticipate and deal with potential threats before they can do any damage.

More Advanced Biometrics

Biometric authentication is set to become more widespread, offering businesses a robust defence against the likes of data breaches and unauthorised access. As traditional password-based methods falter against phishing attacks, biometrics have emerged as a secure alternative. Leveraging unique physical traits like fingerprints, facial recognition, and even iris recognition, biometric authentication can strengthen security while also making the user experience more efficient and more seamless. A growing number of businesses are turning to biometrics – recent research by FICO revealed 87% of businesses said biometrics were a favourite authentication choice.

With advances in technology such as AI and machine learning, biometric systems have become even more accurate and reliable, helping to stave off insider threats and cyber attacks. In 2024, biometrics could also include users’ behavioural analytics rather than just their physical attributes. By analysing their signature, how they type on a keyboard, or even how they walk, authentication processes could become even more stringent, and protect businesses’ assets. There are some downsides to the use of biometrics, however. With biometrics improving and securing authentication measures, criminals may start targeting the hardware and software they use instead. They may also try to steal the biometric data itself, raising concerns about the privacy and security of this data. It’s crucial businesses meet these challenges and stay ahead of potential threats.

Stricter Data Privacy Regulations

When it comes to IAM and cyber security, regulatory compliance is crucial. That’s why here at Infosec K2K, as part of our security assurance services, we offer our clients IAM Audit & Compliance Services. Different industries and sectors have different regulations related to data security, from GDPR to HIPAA, and failing to comply with these can lead to costly fines and even damage your firm’s reputation.

IAM solutions can help your business to meet these regulations, as audit trails and user activity monitoring can help with regulatory audits. The number of regulations faced by today’s businesses are on the rise, and this trend is likely to increase even more in 2024. For example, the EU’s NIS2 directive came into effect last year, and businesses must comply with it by October this year. Companies are facing mounting compliance challenges, and staying updated is essential. Businesses that prioritise regulatory compliance save money, but also build trust with customers and stakeholders – and Infosec K2K’s thorough compliance audits can ensure long-term success.

Zero Trust Architecture

Recently, zero trust has gained traction and is on the rise, with more and more organisations opting for this IAM trend. Last year, the global zero trust security market was estimated to be worth $21,673.9 million, and is set to grow at a rate of 19.5% from 2024 to 2030. Even governments are turning to it – President Biden signed an Executive Order mandating US federal agencies adopt zero trust architecture.

When it comes to zero trust, businesses must assume that there are malicious actors trying to access their network at all times – and that all devices, users, and applications are a potential threat. In order to get into your network, users must have to keep proving their identity. Zero trust architecture focuses on authenticating and authorising every user and device accessing the network, regardless of their location or network environment. At Infosec K2K, we recognise the importance of zero trust principles in reducing the risk of data breaches and insider threats. Our IAM solutions incorporate zero trust principles to ensure only authenticated and authorised users are able to access your most critical resources.

By embracing the latest IAM trends and strategies, businesses can adapt to the evolving threat landscape and stay one step ahead of malicious actors. At Infosec K2K, we’re committed to empowering organisations with cutting-edge IAM solutions, and helping them to navigate the complexities of modern cyber security with confidence.

Whatever solution you’re looking for, we can help. The experts at Infosec K2K can offer you specialist guidance, and help you find the product that’s the best fit for you.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you.