24 April 2024

How IAM Is Fortifying Remote Access Security

Much has been written over the past couple of years about how global events have revolutionised the way businesses operate and accelerated the shift to remote working. It’s now accepted practice in organisations around the world, and is five times more common than it was just five years ago. While remote working offers many benefits, it’s introduced a number of cyber security challenges. With teams spread across different locations (and in some cases, different countries), the need for a secure way of accessing data and resources is more important than ever. This is where IAM (Identity and Access Management) comes into play, ensuring that remote access security doesn’t mean compromising your organisation’s cyber defences.

The Importance of IAM

As mentioned above, IAM is pivotal when it comes to managing and controlling access to any organisation’s resources. This is especially true in a remote work setting, as traditional cyber security strategies are no longer enough. With employees needing to access resources from the office, from home, and other locations – using work devices and personal devices – it can be challenging to ensure only authorised users are accessing sensitive data.

IAM solutions, however, offer a centralised platform for businesses to manage user identities, enforce access policies, and monitor user activity. This way, organisations are able to enforce least privilege access, ensuring that users can only access the resources they need, and reducing the risk of data breaches. Multi-factor authentication can be used to add an extra layer of security, requiring users to verify their identity through multiple methods, like a password or a one-time code sent to their mobile device. IAM also allows businesses to monitor user activity, and respond to any suspicious behaviour quickly and securely. Many of today’s businesses are also turning to Remote Privileged Access Management (RPAM). This form of IAM has been designed to solve the challenges of remote access security by managing and monitoring privileged user accounts with access to critical systems and data.

What is RPAM?

RPAM has been designed to address the challenges of securing remote access for users who require access to sensitive data and critical systems. Unlike traditional Privileged Access Management (PAM) or remote access solutions like Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA), RPAM offers administrators even more oversight and control over who’s accessing their network. With the help of an RPAM solution, like those offered by our cyber partner Cyolo, access is granted to verified identities following the principle of least privilege. This stops users – even authenticated ones – from being able to carry out actions that might be seen as suspicious or risky. This effectively reduces an organisation’s attack surface, and the chance of a data breach or cyber attack.

RPAM offers robust access and authentication features to manage remote privileged user identities. As pointed out by Cyolo in one of their recent blogs, RPAM also offers recording and auditing capabilities, which are essential to comply with regional and industry-specific mandates. It’s useful for organisations working in both the IT and OT environments, as these can be challenging to secure with more traditional cyber security solutions. More and more businesses are turning to RPAM, and a recent Gartner report predicted that “by 2026, organisations applying least privilege principle approaches to remote privileged access management (RPAM) use cases will reduce their risk exposure by more than 50%.”  

Leading the Way in RPAM Solutions

At Infosec K2K, we understand the challenges of remote access security, as well as the critical need for robust IAM and RPAM solutions. That’s why we’ve partnered with leading cyber security companies – like Cyolo – to offer our clients RPAM solutions that can be tailored to the needs of their own remote work environments. With the help of our IAM solutions, our clients enjoy a more centralised control over user identities. As well as streamlining who can access your organisation’s resources, IAM also reduces the risk of data breaches in your network. 

Cyolo’s RPAM solutions, meanwhile, have been created to improve remote access security with a privileged account filter. They have also been specifically tailored for OT environments. This way, they can ensure remote privileged access no matter what device is being used. With an RPAM solution, hybrid organisations can efficiently manage privileged account access without worrying about compromising productivity. RPAM extends secure remote access to all users and devices, whether at the office or at home, for all parts of your organisation. 

The rise of remote work has fundamentally changed the cyber security landscape, requiring organisations of all sizes to rethink their approach to how they protect their resources. IAM and RPAM solutions play a crucial role in remote access security, enforcing access policies, protecting sensitive data, and reducing the risks associated with remote work. Here at Infosec K2K, we’re committed to helping our clients navigate these challenges with comprehensive solutions designed to meet the unique needs of your remote workforce.

Whatever solution you’re looking for, we can help. The experts at Infosec K2K can offer you specialist guidance, and help you find the product that’s the best fit for you.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you.

10 April 2024

Guarding Your Data: The Dangers of Third-Party Breaches

One of the most insidious cyber threats that today’s businesses can face is a third-party breach. Not only do these breaches result in financial losses and reputational damage, but they serve as a reminder of the vulnerabilities of our digital ecosystem. This week we’re exploring the dangers of third-party breaches, the impact they can have on your business, and how Identity and Access Management (IAM) can help to reduce the risk of them happening.

Understanding Third-Party Breaches

Our world has become increasingly interconnected in recent years. For many organisations, third-party suppliers and vendors are critical to their business. Unfortunately, that can open them up to cyber risks. Research from Verizon found that 62% of system intrusions originated from a third party.

A third-party breach occurs when cyber criminals are able to infiltrate an organisation’s network through vulnerabilities in their partners’ systems. These breaches can take various forms, ranging from malware attacks and phishing scams to insider threats. SecurityScorecard recently found that 98% of companies are associated with a third party that had previously suffered a breach. 

Third-Party Breaches in the News

A cyber incident that hit headlines last year was the ransomware attack on the British Library. This attack, which took place in October, impacted the organisation’s digital services and compromised user and staff data. It was attributed to the Rhysida ransomware group, and this year it was revealed it was caused by a third-party breach. Cyber criminals were able to use compromised third-party credentials to gain unauthorised access to the Library’s network.

They got in via a Terminal Services server, which has been installed in 2020 for remote access during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite warnings about the risks of increased third-party access, security measures like MFA weren’t fully implemented. This made it easier for the attackers to infiltrate the system and steal 600GB of data. The attack also destroyed servers, hindering recovery efforts. The British Library is currently rebuilding its infrastructure and implementing enhanced security measures.

The Repercussions of Breaches

One of the most obvious impacts of third-party breaches is the exposure of sensitive data. This can include customer information, intellectual property, or even businesses’ proprietary data. Once this data is in the hands of malicious actors, it can be sold on the dark web, exploited for financial gain, or used in targeted attacks against the affected business, its stakeholders, or its customers.

The aftermath of a third-party breach often has substantial financial ramifications. The costs associated with such a breach can include forensic investigations, regulatory fines, and legal fees if there are lawsuits from affected parties. The loss of customer trust can also result in decreased revenue in the long term.

The most profound (and long-lasting) impact of a third-party breach is damage to the organisation’s reputation. News of a breach can spread fast, amplified by social media and news outlets. This can cast doubt on the organisation’s ability to safeguard sensitive information. This loss of credibility can ruin relationships with customers, and investors, making it challenging to regain trust and restore brand integrity. According to EasyDMARC, 60% of companies affected by a third-party breach are likely to close because of reputational damage.

The Role of IAM 

Given the stakes of third-party breaches, organisations should adopt a more proactive approach. When it comes to safeguarding assets, Identity and Access Management (IAM) is crucial. Here at Infosec K2K, we offer a range of IAM solutions. With the help of our partners, we provide a robust framework for controlling access to your network.

IAM ensures users (including third-party suppliers) are only granted necessary permissions. This reduces the risk of privilege escalation and unauthorised access. Additionally, IAM solutions can include multi-factor authentication (MFA). This strengthens authentication and prevents credential-based attacks. This way, companies can reduce the chance of compromised credentials being used to breach their networks.

IAM platforms can also allow continuous monitoring and real-time auditing. This allows us to detect unusual activities in your network and act promptly. Not only does this ensure regulatory compliance, but it shows companies are performing due diligence when sharing data with third parties. IAM supports collaboration by establishing role-based access controls for your employees, your customers, and third-party vendors. This establishes trust and minimises your firm’s potential attack surface, enabling more effective collaboration.

Third-party breaches are a formidable threat to modern organisations, posing risks to financial stability and brand reputation. As demonstrated by the recent attack on the British Library, the repercussions of these breaches can be far-reaching. It’s clear IAM is a vital tool for any organisation’s cyber security. By embracing IAM, businesses can enhance visibility, control, and security across their network, protecting their data against the dangers of third-party breaches in an increasingly interconnected world.

Whatever solution you’re looking for, we can help. The experts at Infosec K2K can offer you specialist guidance, and help you find the product that’s the best fit for you.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you.

27 March 2024

How Penetration Testing Can Uncover Hidden Security Risks

Cyber threats are always evolving, and cyber criminals are constantly on the lookout for new tactics and tools. Safeguarding sensitive data and maintaining operational continuity is crucial for businesses of all sizes. Sometimes, though, the best way to combat the threat of hackers is to fight fire with fire. In other words, to try and hack your own defences. Cyber security assessments and penetration testing are two of the most indispensable tools for modern businesses, helping them to strengthen their security and find vulnerabilities before criminals can exploit them.

The Importance of Penetration Testing

The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre defines penetration testing as “A method for gaining assurance in the security of an IT system by attempting to breach some or all of that system’s security, using the same tools and techniques as an adversary might.” Penetration testing – and other cyber security assessments – are proactive measures designed to find and deal with any vulnerabilities in an organisation’ network. Unlike more conventional preventative measures, this method of testing puts cyber security experts in the shoes of a cyber attacker.

By simulating real-life cyber attacks, penetration testing gives businesses invaluable insights into the effectiveness of their existing cyber defences, and highlights any areas that require immediate attention. Not only does this approach help organisations to fortify their defences, but it also helps them to stay one step ahead of emerging threats and even compliance requirements.

The Dangers of Vulnerabilities

In recent years, a number of high-profile incidents have shown the importance of penetration testing. From data breaches to ransomware attacks, businesses of all sizes can fall victim to cyber attacks because of overlooked vulnerabilities. 

For example, one of the biggest cyber attacks in recent years was the WannaCry ransomware attack in 2017. It affected 230,000 computers in 150 countries around the world. In the UK, thousands of hospitals were affected – the attack was estimated to cost the NHS £92 million. The effects of this attack could have been prevented with penetration testing. Cyber criminals were able to exploit a vulnerability in outdated versions of Windows. Microsoft had released a patch for this vulnerability two months earlier.

More recently, the security firm Salt Security found a number of vulnerabilities in ChatGPT plugins. These vulnerabilities could be exploited by cyber criminals. This would allow them to steal data, and even take over accounts on third-party websites like GitHub or Google Drive. Although these have already been patched, a vulnerability like this could have affected millions of people – according to recent data from Open AI, ChatGPT has over 180 million monthly users.

Examples like these showcase the potential consequences of neglecting cyber security assessments, as well as the need for proactive measures, to identify and remediate vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

The Shift Towards Continuous Penetration Testing

Sometimes, however, penetration testing isn’t enough. In today’s cyber security landscape, periodic security assessments can no longer address the amount and scope of cyber threats. Many businesses are recognising the need for continuous monitoring and evaluation of their cyber defences, and embracing the concept of continuous testing.

This entails ongoing assessments and real-time analysis of security controls, enabling organisations to detect and respond to emerging threats swiftly. By integrating penetration testing into their cyber security strategy on a regular basis, businesses can stay vigilant against evolving threats and adapt their defences accordingly.

How Infosec K2K Can Help

Here at Infosec K2K, we specialise in Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions. These are complemented by comprehensive cyber security services. Our assessments include Risk Assessments, IAM Maturity Assessments, and a comprehensive IAM Health Check. As well as evaluating your defences, our experts will offer actionable recommendations. These services can be meticulously crafted to suit the unique needs of each client. With a team of security experts and an array of specialist partners including AT&T Cybersecurity and Picus Security we conduct exhaustive assessments of your security. This way, we can pinpoint any vulnerabilities in an organisation’s digital ecosystem.

Working with Infosec K2K offers businesses many advantages. Our team can identify security risks across diverse environments, or offer tailored solutions for your specific security requirements. We also provide continuous support, ensuring compliance with regulations and industry standards. With regular cyber security assessments, we can uncover risks and fortify businesses’ security posture over time. We help businesses defend themselves against new threats and address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

In an era defined by relentless cyber threats, the importance of proactive measures like assessments and penetration tests can’t be overstated. This way, businesses can safeguard their assets, maintain customer trust, and avoid the costly repercussions of data breaches and cyber attacks. At Infosec K2K, we’re committed to helping organisations navigate today’s complex threat landscape securely. By partnering with us and our network of partners, businesses can embrace a proactive approach to protecting their assets.

Whatever solution you’re looking for, we can help. The experts at Infosec K2K can offer you specialist guidance, and help you find the product that’s the best fit for you.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you.

6 March 2024

Marching Towards Better Security: The IAM Trends to Watch in 2024

With technology always evolving, and new threats emerging almost every day, it’s important to stay on top of the latest cyber security trends. The world of Identity and Access Management (IAM) is constantly adapting, and in this blog post we’re delving into some of the key IAM trends set to shape the sector this year, and explore how businesses can use these IAM trends to bolster their own cyber defences.

AI’s Growing Influence

The rise (and the increasing sophistication) of AI in recent years is already transforming cyber security strategies, and reshaping how many people think of IAM. Thanks to AI’s rapid evolution, businesses face escalating threats, from sophisticated phishing schemes to AI-generated content. Last year, many malicious actors used tools like ChatGPT to write BEC and phishing emails. In January, the NCSC warned ransomware attacks will increase because of AI.

However, it’s not all bad news. Integrating AI into your security strategies is a key IAM trend, helping businesses boost their cyber defences and stay ahead of evolving cyber threats. In fact, AI promises to become one of the major IAM trends over the coming years. By automating tasks like user provisioning and analysing users’ behaviour, AI enhances efficiency and precision while bolstering security, and AI’s predictive capabilities can also enable proactive defence measures, by helping cyber security teams to anticipate and deal with potential threats before they can do any damage.

More Advanced Biometrics

Biometric authentication is set to become more widespread, offering businesses a robust defence against the likes of data breaches and unauthorised access. As traditional password-based methods falter against phishing attacks, biometrics have emerged as a secure alternative. Leveraging unique physical traits like fingerprints, facial recognition, and even iris recognition, biometric authentication can strengthen security while also making the user experience more efficient and more seamless. A growing number of businesses are turning to biometrics – recent research by FICO revealed 87% of businesses said biometrics were a favourite authentication choice.

With advances in technology such as AI and machine learning, biometric systems have become even more accurate and reliable, helping to stave off insider threats and cyber attacks. In 2024, biometrics could also include users’ behavioural analytics rather than just their physical attributes. By analysing their signature, how they type on a keyboard, or even how they walk, authentication processes could become even more stringent, and protect businesses’ assets. There are some downsides to the use of biometrics, however. With biometrics improving and securing authentication measures, criminals may start targeting the hardware and software they use instead. They may also try to steal the biometric data itself, raising concerns about the privacy and security of this data. It’s crucial businesses meet these challenges and stay ahead of potential threats.

Stricter Data Privacy Regulations

When it comes to IAM and cyber security, regulatory compliance is crucial. That’s why here at Infosec K2K, as part of our security assurance services, we offer our clients IAM Audit & Compliance Services. Different industries and sectors have different regulations related to data security, from GDPR to HIPAA, and failing to comply with these can lead to costly fines and even damage your firm’s reputation.

IAM solutions can help your business to meet these regulations, as audit trails and user activity monitoring can help with regulatory audits. The number of regulations faced by today’s businesses are on the rise, and this trend is likely to increase even more in 2024. For example, the EU’s NIS2 directive came into effect last year, and businesses must comply with it by October this year. Companies are facing mounting compliance challenges, and staying updated is essential. Businesses that prioritise regulatory compliance save money, but also build trust with customers and stakeholders – and Infosec K2K’s thorough compliance audits can ensure long-term success.

Zero Trust Architecture

Recently, zero trust has gained traction and is on the rise, with more and more organisations opting for this IAM trend. Last year, the global zero trust security market was estimated to be worth $21,673.9 million, and is set to grow at a rate of 19.5% from 2024 to 2030. Even governments are turning to it – President Biden signed an Executive Order mandating US federal agencies adopt zero trust architecture.

When it comes to zero trust, businesses must assume that there are malicious actors trying to access their network at all times – and that all devices, users, and applications are a potential threat. In order to get into your network, users must have to keep proving their identity. Zero trust architecture focuses on authenticating and authorising every user and device accessing the network, regardless of their location or network environment. At Infosec K2K, we recognise the importance of zero trust principles in reducing the risk of data breaches and insider threats. Our IAM solutions incorporate zero trust principles to ensure only authenticated and authorised users are able to access your most critical resources.

By embracing the latest IAM trends and strategies, businesses can adapt to the evolving threat landscape and stay one step ahead of malicious actors. At Infosec K2K, we’re committed to empowering organisations with cutting-edge IAM solutions, and helping them to navigate the complexities of modern cyber security with confidence.

Whatever solution you’re looking for, we can help. The experts at Infosec K2K can offer you specialist guidance, and help you find the product that’s the best fit for you.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you.

27 February 2024

Securing Success: The Power of Tailored IAM Solutions

With data breaches and cyber threats becoming both increasingly prevalent and increasingly effective, businesses are beginning realising the critical importance of Identity and Access Management (IAM) in their cyber security strategies. Not only does IAM help to strengthen businesses’ cyber defences, but it can streamline operations. With an effective IAM framework, businesses can benefit greatly. Here at Infosec K2K, we specialise in providing bespoke IAM solutions designed to meet the unique needs of our clients.

How IAM Enhances Security and Efficiency

IAM strategies encompass a range of processes, all of which are aimed at managing, tracking and securing the digital identities associated with your network – and controlling users’ access to resources. By implementing IAM solutions, businesses can ensure that only those individuals that they’ve already authorised have access to sensitive data and systems. This way, they can keep their most secure assets safe, and minimise the risk of data breaches and insider threats.

What’s more, IAM can be used to streamline your business’ user provisioning and deprovisioning processes. This can reduce your administrative overhead costs and reduce the chance of human error. Last year, research showed that 75% of data breaches are caused by the poor management of digital identities, access, and privileges. Businesses and government organisations can both fall into this trap. Earlier this year, a government agency was hacked after a malicious actor used the credentials of a former employee’s account. By not removing the account, the agency left themselves vulnerable to breaches. With an effective IAM solution in place, organisations can enforce least privilege access policies across their network. This way they can implement stronger authentication policies and centralise identity governance, strengthening their defences and protecting their data.

The Challenges Posed By IAM

Despite the benefits of IAM, some businesses still encounter challenges when it comes to implementing and managing IAM solutions in their network. Some of the most common obstacles include complexity, scalability, interoperability, and stringent regulatory requirements surrounding data protection and privacy. Smaller organisations may struggle to navigate  IAM technology and the regulatory, risk management and compliance mandates associated with them. This can in turn lead to delays, cost overruns, and the potential for data breaches – which can have dire consequences. Research by IBM showed that the average cost of a data breach was $4.45 million (£3.5 million) last year.

That’s not all, though. Even after a business has implemented an IAM solution, it will still require ongoing monitoring, maintenance, and updates. That doesn’t mean software updates – businesses need to evaluate their solution and update best practices. This way, they’ll ensure they can stand up to emerging cyber threats and meet new regulatory requirements. At Infosec K2K we understand the challenges our clients face, and offer comprehensive support to help them overcome these obstacles.

Creating an Effective Strategy

For businesses of any size, developing an effective IAM strategy is crucial. The first step is a thorough understanding of the organisation’s business objectives, IT infrastructure, and security requirements. Here at Infosec K2K, we work closely with our clients to assess their IAM capabilities and identify areas for improvement. Our experts (who work around the clock in offices in the UK, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and India) collaborate with stakeholders across your organisation to define your IAM goals, establish governance policies, and design a roadmap for implementation. With the help of our comprehensive IAM assessments, we can find any gaps in your cyber defences and offer your recommendations to optimise your cyber security strategy.

The Benefits of Bespoke IAM Solutions

As a leading provider of IAM solutions, we offer a wide range of services designed to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Our approach combines industry best practices with cutting-edge technologies from our partners, such as CyberArk, Trustbuilder and Cyolo. This enables us to deliver IAM solutions that are both scalable and future-proof. Whether you’re looking to reduce costs, improve how you onboard and offboard your employees, or simply meet GDPR regulations, our customised solutions can address the unique challenges that every business faces day-to-day,

Our bespoke IAM solutions have been tailored to provide businesses with finer control over user access and permissions, while also simplifying administrative tasks and enhancing user experience. With the help of industry-leading IAM platforms, we offer solutions that can be easily integrated into clients’ existing infrastructure. At Infosec K2K, we have a portfolio of solutions for clients to choose from. As well as finding the right one for you, we can implement it and manage it for you. By partnering with Infosec K2K, businesses can ensure they’re maintaining strict controls whilst adapting to evolving threats and regulatory requirements.

IAM solutions are essential for any business looking to secure their digital assets, streamline operations, and achieve regulatory compliance. At Infosec K2K, we’re committed to helping our clients harness the power of IAM with the help of our tailored solutions and expert guidance.

Whatever solution you’re looking for, we can help. The experts at Infosec K2K can offer you specialist guidance, and help you find the product that’s the best fit for you.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you.

15 February 2024

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, is IAM Right For You?

Cyber security is evolving all the time, as cyber criminals develop new tools, while security professionals develop new strategies to deal with them. One aspect of cyber security that doesn’t change, however, is how vital it is to ensure the identity of users accessing your network. Identity and Access Management (IAM) has emerged as one of the best ways to strengthen your cyber defences. By outsourcing their needs and opting for a managed IAM, businesses could reap the benefits.

What is IAM?

Despite the simple-sounding name, IAM is about more than ensuring people have the right usernames and passwords. It focuses on ensuring authorised access to an organisation’s network and assets, by carefully managing user identities and authorisation processes. With IAM, businesses can enforce their own authentication policies and safeguard their systems. IAM solutions typically include user provisioning, authentication mechanisms, role-based access controls, and monitoring. Not only does IAM protect organisations’ assets, but it ensures they meet with regulations and compliance requirements – according to the Identity Theft Resource Center’s findings, 83% of organisations admitted IAM plays a key role in their compliance strategies.

Why Choose IAM?

With cyber threats becoming increasingly sophisticated, robust IAM solutions are needed to protect networks against the threat of hackers and data breaches. The cost of a data breach is rising steadily, and last year the average cost of a breach was estimated to be $4.45 million. Despite the dangers of these kinds of cyber incidents, many businesses are still choosing to take the chance and not use IAM. Last year, the National Cyber Security Centre’s Cyber security breaches survey 2023 revealed the number of small businesses who said cyber security was a top priority had fallen to 68%.

Despite the benefits of IAM, implementing it in your business can be both time-consuming and expensive. For these businesses, however, there’s a solution. Infosec K2K’s Managed IAM services include multi factor authentication, role-based access controls, and real-time monitoring, allowing us to detect and respond to potential security incidents quickly and efficiently. By outsourcing your IAM needs to us, you can tap into our wealth of expertise and use our cutting-edge technology to stay ahead of emerging threats.


One of the primary considerations for businesses contemplating IAM solutions is the cost-effectiveness of outsourcing these services to another firm like Infosec K2K. Managed IAM services offer a cheaper alternative to in-house IAM solutions, eliminating the need for extensive infrastructure investments as well as dedicated personnel working on IAM full-time.

Here at Infosec K2K, our Managed IAM services are designed to streamline costs while still delivering robust security solutions. Businesses can rely on the expertise of our IAM specialists without having to recruit and train new personnel. With our team taking care of everything from implementing your IAM solution to testing your defences, your existing employees will be free to spend their time on other tasks that are more vital to your business.

Flexibility and Scalability

Scalability is a crucial consideration for any business, especially when considering IAM solutions. Here at Infosec K2K, we understand every business’ needs change over time. With Managed IAM services, we can give your firm the flexibility to adapt to changing demands. Whether you’re looking to expand, or looking to scale down during a quiet period, you can adjust your IAM services to match your requirements.

Our Managed IAM solutions are scalable to your business, and can seamlessly integrate with your existing cyber infrastructure. With our flexible pay-as-you-go model, you can benefit from our state-of-the-art IAM services without having to break the bank.

Round the Clock Support

When it comes to cyber security, proactive monitoring and threat detection are important for any business. Managed IAM services offer you peace of mind with continuous surveillance of your network – our team of experts will give your 24/7 support, minimising the impact or any potential cyber incident and ensuring your business can operate with confidence.

At Infosec K2K, our partners include AT&T Cybersecurity. Thanks to their Managed Detection and Response (MDR) capabilities, you can rest easy knowing that we will be proactively monitoring your network for any advanced threats, detecting and responding to them quickly and safely, and offering you analytics and actionable insights.

Infosec K2K’s Expertise

As a leading cyber security company working with companies around the globe, we’re committed to empowering businesses with state-of-the-art IAM solutions. Our team of specialists have extensive experience managing IAM solutions tailored to the unique needs of each of our clients. By partnering with Infosec K2K, you can offload the complexities of IAM management and focus on your organisation’s day-to-day business. We work closely with all of our clients to provide a bespoke solution that aligns with their business goals.

With cyber threats and data breaches on the rise, today’s businesses need to prioritise their cyber defences. Managed IAM services are a compelling solution, combining cost-efficiency and scalability with advanced security features. Infosec K2K’s services not only address the current cyber security challenges, but anticipate future threats, and we’re committed to safeguarding your data.

Whatever solution you’re looking for, we can help. The experts at Infosec K2K can offer you specialist guidance, and help you find the product that’s the best fit for you.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you.

31 January 2024

The Rise of AI in Cyber Security: How to Stay Ahead of Evolving Threats

Technology is evolving at an unprecedented pace at the moment, and changing every industry – and the cyber security industry is no exception. The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years has brought with it a whole host of both opportunities and challenges. AI in cyber security can help make businesses more efficient by automating tasks and enhancing productivity. However, cyber criminals are also able to harness its power for more malicious purposes. Today’s businesses need to adapt their cyber security strategies, and at Infosec K2K, we can help fortify your defences to cope with the evolving threat that is AI.

The Dark Side of AI in Cybersecurity

Over the past few years, we’ve seen a surge in cyber attacks, from ransomware to phishing. Last year, a survey showed that 72.7% of businesses around the world had been affected by ransomware attacks. This rise in cyber threats isn’t likely to slow down, unfortunately. This month, the National Cyber Security Centre in the UK warned that “All types of cyber threat actor – state and non-state, skilled and less skilled – are already using AI, to varying degrees” – and that AI will lead to an increase in cyber attacks.

2023 was considered to be a breakout year for generative AI, and 2024 could see it being more widely used by cyber criminals. Tools like chatbots can make it easier for attackers to craft more targeted and more convincing phishing emails, and advances in AI mean that it could soon be used to analyse and exploit patterns in user behaviour. AI algorithms can quickly analyse vast amounts of data. Although this can be useful for any business, it could also help cyber criminals identify high-value targets. AI will lower the threshold of entry for cyber criminals, making it easier for even the most unskilled of them to access tools like malware. They won’t have to create their own malware – instead, they can rely on AI tools that they find online.

AI in Action

AI can be used to create images and videos, but it can also be used to generate fake audio. Cyber criminals have already taken advantage of this fact in phishing attacks. Europol has identified a tool that can generate someone’s voice from just a five second clip. Back in 2019, criminals were able to use one of these audio deep fakes to trick the CEO of a UK energy company into paying them £200,000. The CEO thought he was speaking to the chief executive of the parent company. This was five years ago, and AI tools have advanced greatly – there are some criminals now using video deep fakes.

Last year, it was revealed that Russia was running a cyber warfare campaign with AI-generated news articles and more than 800 social media accounts. The content was targeting audiences in Germany, Ukraine, and the US. While this cybercrime was state-sponsored, ransomware gangs and cyber criminals working on their own are following suit. The most common signs to look out for in phishing emails are poor grammar and spelling mistakes. Generative AI tools, however, can make phishing campaigns more convincing than ever.

AI’s Growing Threat

The growing threat of AI has left many people worried. A recent Barracuda report showed that just 39% of companies surveyed believed their cyber infrastructure was adequately equipped to protect their data from Gen AI-powered automated security attacks. Here at Infosec K2K, we stand at the forefront of defending businesses against the evolving threat landscape. Our IAM solutions go beyond traditional security measures to provide a more comprehensive cyber security strategy.

When it comes to maintaining your cyber defences, Identity and Access Management (IAM) is key. It ensures your organisation’s assets are out of cybercriminals’ reach, and can only be accessed by authorised individuals. The IAM solutions we offer allow you to enforce strict authentication protocols and protect your data from unauthorised access. While AI poses challenges, it also presents an invaluable opportunity for businesses to strengthen their cyber security defences. By leveraging AI in conjunction with IAM solutions, organisations can turn the tables on cybercriminals. With AI-driven authentication methods like biometrics and anomaly detection, IAM can enhance your defences. AI-powered tools can even monitor your network and analyse users’ behaviour, alerting you if anything might indicate a breach.

The Role of Infosec K2K

At Infosec K2K, we understand that strategic partnerships play a pivotal role in delivering effective security solutions. We’ve partnered with a range of industry leaders like AT&T Cybersecurity, to offer our clients protection against AI-driven threats. With their AI-driven IAM solutions we provide real-time insights into cyber threats, helping businesses respond swiftly to any threats. AT&T Cybersecurity’s AI-powered tools also include threat detection and automated incident response. These help businesses stay one step ahead of cyber criminals.

With businesses forced to navigate the challenges of the AI era, here at Infosec K2K we’re a steadfast cyber partner. Our innovative IAM solutions adapt to the evolving cyber threat landscape, defending our clients against AI-driven threats while also harnessing the power to strengthen their cyber defences.

Whatever solution you’re looking for, we can help. The experts at Infosec K2K can offer you specialist guidance, and help you find the product that’s the best fit for you.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you.

24 January 2024

New Year, New Risks: 2024 Cyber Security Resolutions For Your Business

As we begin the new year and look forward to what 2024 might bring us, it’s crucial that businesses of all sizes take the time to reevaluate their cyber security posture. The cyber threat landscape is constantly changing, and organisations need to take a proactive approach to safeguard their data, assets, and the integrity of their business. At Infosec K2K, we understand the challenges that today’s organisations can face every day, and we’re committed to providing cutting-edge Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions to fortify your defences. To help set your business up for the next 12 months, we’ve put together four essential cyber security resolutions for your business that could help you avoid costly attacks or data breaches.

Implement Identity and Access Management

Last year, cyber experts warned that passwords alone are no longer sufficient to protect your most sensitive accounts and data. While some will say that Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA for short) is the solution, it’s unfortunately no longer strong enough. Although MFA involves multiple forms of identification like passwords, fingerprint scans, or one-time codes, the rise of sophisticated cyber threats calls for an additional layer of defence.

Implementing additional adaptive controls is crucial for modern business, as this ensures comprehensive protection and guards against potential MFA bypassing techniques. By incorporating IAM solutions into your cyber defences, you can seamlessly integrate MFA into your authentication processes. Here at Infosec K2K, we can find the ideal IAM solution tailored to your business needs, and provide you with robust authentication and authorisation mechanisms. By enforcing strict access controls that are even more robust than MFA, we can provide you with a user-friendly experience while keeping your files and network safe. Whether your employees are accessing systems from the office or working remotely, our solutions offer a layered defence against unauthorised access attempts.

Carry Out a Cyber Risk Assessment

Understanding your organisation’s vulnerabilities is the first step towards building a more resilient cyber security strategy. A comprehensive cyber security risk assessment helps you to identify potential threats, find weaknesses in your cyber defences, assess the impact of a possible security incident, and prioritise risk mitigation efforts. By conducting an assessment, any business can gain valuable insights into their cyber security posture and can begin to proactively address any weaknesses they might find.

Here at Infosec K2K, we offer a range of risk assessments for businesses of all sizes, and can help you to identify and mitigate potential risks. By assessing your current IAM practices, policies and access controls we can offer you actionable insights and help you to stay one step ahead of cyber criminals. Our assessments include penetration testing, breach and attacking simulation modelling, and vulnerability management, and our managed SOC services can offer you round-the-clock support and protection.

Educate Your Employees

The next new year’s resolution in our list is also one of the most important. Your employees are the first line of defence against cyber threats, so investing in their cyber education is vital. Phishing attacks, social engineering, and other tactics often target unsuspecting employees, and they’re on the rise – in fact, the number of phishing attacks rose by 173% in Q3 of last year. Training programs that educate staff on how to recognise potential threats and respond to them can significantly reduce the risk of successful cyber attacks on your business.

Through our audit and compliance services and assessments, we provide businesses with actionable insights. These can help organisations to make more informed decisions about their cyber defences and create a more robust cyber security culture. Our regular blogs also feature tips and explanations of the latest cyber threats your workforce should be on the lookout for.

Keep Your Software Updated

For any business, ensuring regular updates for all software – including operating systems and applications – is one of the fundamental pillars of cybersecurity. Software updates serve a critical role, and they can often include critical security patches that address vulnerabilities exploited by cybercriminals. Failing to keep your software up to date will leave your business exposed to potential breaches and compromises.

At Infosec K2K, we recommend that you automate the software update and patch installation process wherever possible. Not only can this save time and make your IT department more efficient, but can ensure your business is compliant with new policies and regulations. If you have to update your software manually, then our IAM solutions can help you implement robust access controls, and ensure that only authorised personnel are able to perform updates, reducing the risk of unauthorised access or tampering. Our comprehensive monitoring capabilities give you real-time insights into the different software versions used across your business, enabling swift action in case there are any discrepancies found.

In conclusion, as we embark on a new year, it’s important for businesses to prioritise cyber security. The resolutions we’ve outlined above serve as a solid foundation for a proactive and resilient security strategy for your business. At Infosec K2K, we are committed to helping you to keep these resolutions thanks to our state-of-the-art IAM solutions. Together, we can make 2024 a year of strengthened cyber defences.

Whatever solution you’re looking for, we can help. The experts at Infosec K2K can offer you specialist guidance, and help you find the product that’s the best fit for you.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you.

22 December 2023

The Ghosts of Cyber Threats Past: Reflecting on 2023

As we bid farewell to 2023, it’s a good time to look back on the biggest cyber security incidents that unfolded over the past year. The digital realm is ever-evolving, with new challenges emerging all the time – alongside innovative solutions. In this blog, we’ll revisit some of the most notable cyber threats and incidents of 2023, and share valuable insights and advice for the future.

Royal Mail’s Ransomware Attack

It was revealed in January that Royal Mail in the UK had fallen victim to a ransomware attack. Their cyber security woes had technically begun in November 2022, when the organisation detected Emotet malware on its servers. The January ransomware attack used LockBit Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS), and impacted a distribution centre near Belfast, affecting international deliveries. The National Cyber Security Centre and other agencies were involved, because Royal Mail is recognised as Critical National Infrastructure (CNI). Details of the ransom weren’t revealed at first, but the hackers demanded nearly £65.7 million. When Royal Mail refused to pay, LockBit leaked their discussions online. In November, it was announced that Royal Mail would be spending £10 million. This will go towards strengthening its cyber defences, and reducing the chance of any future attacks.

Infosec K2K Tip: With our Managed SOC services, you can rest easy knowing that someone is watching over your network. Our expert team offers 24/7 protection, and can act quickly and efficiently to deal with any threats to minimise damage.

Supply Chain Sabotage

2023 witnessed a significant rise in supply chain attacks – they’re set to cost the world $60 billion by 2025. These cyber incidents see criminals infiltrating organisations through vulnerabilities in suppliers’ networks, and wreaking havoc up and down the supply chain. Businesses are being urged to adopt more stringent vendor risk management strategies, and regularly assess suppliers’ cyber defences. The biggest supply chain attack of 2023 – and the largest in recent history – was the MOVEit Transfer breach, which affected more than 60 million individuals. Back in May, the Clop ransomware gang exploited a vulnerability in MOVEit Transfer servers, compromising sensitive data belonging to thousands of global organisations. Approximately 83.9% of known victims come from the United States, while 3.6% are from Germany. MOVEit patched the flaw in May, but more and more victims have come forward throughout the year, and the full extent of the breach isn’t yet known.

Infosec K2K Tip: Here at Infosec K2K, we offer comprehensive security assessment services. With our expertise, businesses can identify potential threats within your network and your supply chain’s network, ensuring resilient and secure cyber defences.

MGM’s Phishing Fiasco

Phishing attacks continued to evolve in 2023, becoming more sophisticated. Traditional cyber security measures are insufficient in the face of these attacks, and employee training is paramount. One of the biggest cyber incidents was at MGM Resorts. The casino chain faced a significant cyber attack in September, which disrupted operations for several days. It affected everything from slot machines to hotel room keys, and compromised customer data. The attack was the result of a phishing scheme orchestrated by the hacking group Scattered Spider. The gang is infamous for its social engineering and ‘vishing,’ or convincing phone calls. The hackers impersonated an employee after finding their information on LinkedIn. They then contacted MGM’s IT help desk to obtain credentials before infiltrating the organisation’s systems. The incident shows that organisations of all sizes can fall victim to cyber threats rooted in human manipulation – 90% of all cyber attacks begin with phishing.

Infosec K2K Tip: At Infosec K2K, we recommend educating your staff on recognising phishing attacks, and conduct simulations and exercises to keep them vigilant. Implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) can also add an extra layer of protection. IAM assessments are also indispensable, as it was inadequate IAM policies that helped malicious actors compromise MGM’s network. We can help you reduce your attack surface by analysing your access controls and pinpointing any weaknesses.

Zero-Day Dilemmas

The discovery of zero-day vulnerabilities throughout 2023 served as a wake-up call for businesses relying on outdated systems. Businesses should regularly update and patch their software to eliminate potential vulnerabilities. They can stay informed about emerging threats and zero-day vulnerabilities by using threat intelligence services. One of the biggest zero-day vulnerabilities uncovered this year was CVE-2023-27350, a flaw in Microsoft’s PaperCut print management software. The vulnerability allows hackers to bypass authentication procedures and execute codes with heightened privileges. Cyber criminals took advantage of this after it was uncovered in April. It was soon linked to a number of ransomware attacks. The cloud security firm Qualys noted the vulnerability had been exploited by “four malware(s), four threat actors, and four ransomware(s).”

Infosec K2K Tip: Infosec K2K has partnered with top cyber security vendors. These businesses, like Qualys and DomainTools, allow businesses to stay ahead of the curve. By integrating their threat intelligence services, organisations can proactively address any new zero-day vulnerabilities and protect themselves against emerging threats.

As we close the book on 2023, it’s evident that the cyber threats of yesterday can shape the defences of tomorrow. It’s important for businesses to learn from cyber incidents that transpired, and fortify their own defences against ever-evolving threats. By reflecting on the ghosts of cyber threats past, we can pave the way for a more secure digital future.

Whatever solution you’re looking for, we can help. The experts at Infosec K2K can offer you specialist guidance, and help you find the product that’s the best fit for you.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you.

6 December 2023

Year-End Cyber Security Checklist: A Gift To Your Business from Infosec K2K

December has arrived, and as the year draws to a close, it’s not just buying gifts and decorating trees that demands your attention. As you prepare for the new year, it’s important to take a moment to assess your cyber security defences. Cyber criminals won’t take time off for the holidays, after all. Here at Infosec K2K, we understand the importance of ending the year on a secure note. That’s why we present to you our Year-End Cyber Security Checklist – a gift to help you prepare for the challenges that lie ahead.

Conduct a Comprehensive Audit

If you want to ensure your networks are as secure as possible, start by taking stock of your current infrastructure. Evaluate existing security policies, procedures, and technologies, and identify any vulnerabilities that may have emerged over the past year. A security audit can give you an understanding of your organisation’s security status and a better idea of what needs to be improved. At Infosec K2K, we can do this for you, by assessing your network and cyber security strategy. With our comprehensive IAM Health Check, our staff will evaluate everything from your user lifecycle management to how well you adhere to regulatory requirements.

Update and Patch Systems Regularly

Outdated software and unpatched systems are low-hanging fruit for cyber criminals, so don’t give them the opportunity to find their way into your network. By ensuring all of your systems – including operating systems, antivirus software, employees’ devices, and applications – are up to date with the latest security patches, you can reduce your organisation’s attack surface. Regularly updating and patching your systems is one of the most simple yet effective ways of guarding against known vulnerabilities.

Reinforce Your IAM Policies

IAM, or Identity and Access Management, is indispensable for modern businesses because it centralises and secures your users’ digital identities. By allowing businesses to manage user access, IAM ensures only the right individuals have appropriate permissions. You can ensure your employees have the necessary access rights and privileges, and can revoke access for individuals who no longer require it. IAM can add an extra layer of security to your business. If you need help, we’re here. With our IAM Assessments, we’ll find any gaps and offer recommendations.

Educate and Train Employees

Human error remains one of the leading causes of cyber security incidents, so we recommend empowering your employees with cyber security awareness training. Educate them about the methods that cyber criminals are using, the social engineering tactics that you should be on the lookout for, and the importance of strong password hygiene. A well-informed workforce is your first line of defence against cyber threats.

Review Incident Response Plans

No organisation’s immune to cyber threats, and having a well-defined incident response plan is essential. In the case of a cyber incident, every minute counts. Despite this, the UK government’s Cyber security breaches survey 2023 revealed only 21% of businesses have a formal incident response plan. We recommend drawing up a plan if you don’t already have one in place. If you do, review and update your plans, taking into account lessons learned from any incidents from the past year. Ensure that your team is prepared to respond quickly and effectively in the event of a security breach.

Engage in Penetration Testing

Consider engaging in penetration testing to simulate real-world cyber-attacks. This proactive approach to cyber security allows you to identify and address any potential vulnerabilities or gaps in your defences before malicious actors can exploit them. We offer a range of security assurance services, including penetration testing and breach and attacking simulation modelling. Our expert team will find and mitigate any weaknesses, giving you valuable insights into the effectiveness of your defences and helping you fine-tune your cyber strategy.

Manage Your Cyber Security Alerts

Over half of large businesses receive more than 1,000 cyber security alerts every day. It’s important that these are managed properly, as failing to investigate and respond to them can have severe consequences. At Infosec K2K, our Managed SOC services provide real-time monitoring, threat detection, and incident response. Our expert team ensures that potential security incidents and malicious spoofing attempts are promptly identified and addressed. Our partner, DomainTools, also helps businesses respond to cyber threats promptly and effectively with their domain intelligence services – their cyber security practitioners offer real-time predictive risk scoring for 13 billion domains and IPs.

Stay Informed About Emerging Threats

Finally, we recommend staying up to date with the newest cyber threats. They’re constantly evolving, which means that staying ahead of the curve can help you protect your business. Subscribe to reliable sources and stay informed about the emerging threats and attack vectors you need to watch out for. Keep an eye on our LinkedIn page, for example, as our weekly newsletter rounds up the biggest cyber news stories. Staying on top of these developments can help you proactively adjust your cyber security defences and counter new threats.

As we approach the end of the year, take the time to prioritise your organisation’s cyber security. Following the above advice can help to ensure a secure start for the new year. Remember – cyber security is an ongoing process, and investing in your defences today can pay dividends in the future.

Whatever solution you’re looking for, we can help. The experts at Infosec K2K can offer you specialist guidance, and help you find the product that’s the best fit for you.

Get in touch with us to find out more about how we can help you.